Chiara Grandi
Komyo Reiki: Japanese tradition


The second degree Chuden


Type of level:
practical level

Key words:
cure others

The focus is on a therapeutic aspect of Reiki Ryoho. (together with other people)

The aim is to live a healthy and happy life.

Fontain inside a Temple
Fontain inside a Temple

After having received the four Reiju, or attournments, you will receive the symbols and their mantras, with them the Reiki healing will become more practical and it will have more benefits.

You will be able to do self-treatments, and also re-balance and treat other people as well, and act towards psychological problems, too.

You will learn the techniques for the distant healing, a particolar method to send Universal Energy into a place that could be very far away.
Reiki is transcendental, it is beyond our conception of time and space.

Between second and third (Okuden):

it is personal but traditionally it is 6 months later

The teaching of Chuden program:

Explanation of the second level
Common use of symbols ( Shirushi ) and mantras ( Jumon )
Teaching of first Shirushi and Jumon
Teaching of second Shirushi and Jumon
Teaching of third Shirushi and Jumon
Detoxification Method
Exhalation method k Gaze method
Navel Treatment Method
Habits Treatment Method

Durino the Chuden level, 4 Reiju will be given

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